It is understandable when homeowners overlook issues concerning their roof because they feel they are inside, forgetting the fact that it’s the roof that is their shield against the elements, The roof protects the home from every Weather condition.
Every Roof Installation has a lifespan due to normal wear and tear caused by prolonged exposure to the Sun’s Ultraviolet Rays, rain, harmattan and sudden storm damage, eventually, the roof weakens and loses its colour and integrity, making it unattractive.
As a Property Owner, it is inevitable that to start looking for viable solutions, one of the first thoughts that comes to mind is a total roof replacement. BUT WHY REROOF, WHEN YOU CAN RESTORE?

Advantages of Roof Restoration
- Huge Cost Saving: Did you know? Opting for a Complete Roof restoration would save you up to 70% cost of a roof replacement.
- Increases Your Property Value: Roof restoration helps to increase your property value. You can be sure your property would command a better price in the market( from the reselling perspective), A well-implemented roof restoration will make your property more attractive for it to be sold quicker and at a higher price
- Increase the Life Span of the Roof: Roof restoration will extend your roof’s life and help avoid the cost of a full repair. The increase in the lifespan a result of a combination of factors which includes (a) the type of roof paint we source (b) the Expertise and Experience of the Plusworld team.
At Plusworld Roofing, we have a 15 years guarantee on All Roof Restoration Projects.
Contact Plusworld Roofing Today for a quote.